State | |
Workers Comp Code |
SUTA (State Unemployment Tax Authority) |
FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax Act) |
FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) |
Medicare |
Corporate Admin Fee |
Workers Compensation |
General Liability |
Misc |
Total Charged Burden |
Client Name | |
Desired Markup Rate |
Commission Rate (enter %) |
VMS/MSP Account? | |
If "Yes," Applicable Fee (%) |
Gross Payroll | |
Revenue | |
Burden | |
VMS/MSP Burden | |
Profit ($) | |
Profit per Associate | |
Profit per Associate per Hour | |
Gross Profit Margin (% of sales) | |
Gross Profit Margin ($) | |
Est. Commission Cost (% of cal GPM) | |
Time Clock Initial Cost | |
Time Clock Cost per Month | |
Background Checks | |
Drug Tests | |
Safety Equipment | |
Onsite or Additional Staff Cost (Gross Payroll) | |
Onsite Equip. (Computer, phone, etc.) | |
Insurance Cost | |
Technology Cost | |
Misc Costs (setup, gifts, accident estimate, etc.) | |
PTO Estimate (Holiday, Vacation, etc.) Gross with Burden | |
Misc (rename as needed) | |
Transportation | |
Commission | |
Total Operating Expense |
Operating Income ($) | |
Operating Income (%) of Sales |